Long-tail Supplier Management

Supplier Marketplace

Diverse Supplier Network

Supplier Rationalization

Primary Supplier 2.0

Supplier Evaluation & Selection

Long-tail Supplier Management

Consolidate vendors with Murmur

Consolidate and manage long-tail vendors through a single supply arrangement, single VMS instance and single point of contact.

The 80/20 rule

The 80% of placements likely come from 20% of vendors. Focus on the 20% and let Murmur help with the rest.

Reduce costs

Fewer vendors to manage means: fewer QBRs, fewer contract negotiations, and fewer vendors to onboard.

The “useful many”

Provide hiring managers access to their favorite boutique suppliers without blowing up the vendor roster.

Murmur provides contingent workforce leaders the ability to focus resources toward managing the initiatives that will truly advance the program, without getting caught up in never ending vendor management.

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